Monday, January 5, 2009

Working with the Indian Government Bureaucracy

We have seen lot many films which portray 'babudom' or bureaucracy, starting from the serious Gangajal to the Munnabhai movie which has a scene wherein a troubled penisoner deals with a babu in the best bureaucratic style. Yet, nothing has been done so far to improve anything. I wonder sometimes that things can never improve unless each one of us improve. It is a test of the values and principles and the social thinking of individuals.

But, seldom do people realize they have in the process dropped the axe on their own feet. I got enlightened on this issue when I experienced the wrath of a central Govt institute's bureaucracy.

The story begins with a happy scene, it begins with me fighting all the odds and managing to get a project which can be backed with so many facilities from central workshop, non destructive lab etc etc, you name the lab and the institute has it. All was well on paper, so much so that I never realized one basic prophecy : naked truth can be bitter.

After all, the 'babus' working in the institute are to be dealt with, not the paper. So, began a tearful journey of working for a project which is going to shape my career. I can't believe what just happened in the past two months, they just passed by saying good bye and each good bye took away its share of happiness from me, what was left over was a body of flesh without any soul.

How are we as common people responsible, well answer the following consciously and you will know
1. Would you pay any kind of donation to get your child admitted to the best school/college in your locality?
2. Would you vote for any independent candidate in a local election?
3. Would you hire an agent to get your driving license/passport?
4. Would you ever raise a complaint against a corrupt official?
5. Would you suppress a case against you by paying bribes?
6. Would you ever apply for a government job?
7. Would you like to be in the army?
8. Would you follow rules judiciously?

When all the 100 crore odd junta of this country have the same answers to the above questions, we can expect a change or a revolution!!
Till then, all one can do is suffer!

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